NUPEI | Núcleo de Pesquisa em Energia e Infraestrutura


Confira as últimas notícias sobre o NUPEI.


Prêmio ANPAD

Pesquisadores do NUPEI tem dois artigos indicados para o Prêmio ANPAD de melhor trabalho de finanças de 2007.


Oil & Gas Roundtable

Roundtable in Oil and Gas investments will be held at IAG Business School on May 15th at the AMEX saloon. The roundtable will count with the participation of researchers and professionals with experience at companies such as BG and Petrobrás and will discuss new research initiatives in the area.


Oil & Gas Roundtable

Roundtable in Oil and Gas investments will be held at IAG Business School on May 15th at the AMEX saloon. The roundtable will count with the participation of researchers and professionals with experience at companies such as BG and Petrobrás and will discuss new research initiatives in the area.


Real Options Conference 2013

NUPEI researchers will present four new papers at the 2013 Real Options Conference in Tokyo.  Leonardo Lima, Denis de Oliveira, Carlos Frederico Fontoura and Luiz Brandao are among the authors.

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